June 2019

Minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 10th June 2019 at Mathern Village Hall.
Present: Councillors – D Harris (Chairman) C Ovenden (Vice Chair), J Harris, D Merrett, N Bailey – C Morton
Also in attendance: County Councillor L Brown
Clerk – Mrs J Kelley
10 members of the Public
No Police representatives

The Chairperson welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
(i) Public Comment

8 Members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the planning application to be discussed at the meeting DM/2019/00564 all were against the application and their reasons were fully explained to the Council.

2 Members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the planning application to be discussed at the meeting DM/2019/00796. They were Planning Consultants supporting the application and gave the Councillors a high level over view of the history of the site to date and explained why a new planning application was being made. They explained the basis of the new planning application and highlighted the changes proposed to the currently erected buildings.

2 Members of the public addressed the meeting as representatives of the Village Hall Committee. This was to outline the grant application submitted to be discussed later in the meeting.
Cllr N Bailey left the meeting for the planning public comments and returned for the presentation given by the Village Hall
ii)Report from Community Police
Here is the report between the above dates:
Below are the incidents of note from between the above dates:

07/05/19 – Theft of fuel – Pwllmeyric Petrol Station – No further action.

24/05/19 – Caravan stolen – St Tewdric Church Lane – Tracking company being contacted by owner.
We would stress the importance of remaining vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity/crime at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency.

iii) Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr F Sainsbury and Cllr M McHugh.
(iv) Declarations of Personal or Pecuniary Interest:
Cllr N Bailey declaration of interest for item 17/19 Planning Application DM/2019/00796.
(v) Minutes of the previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2019 were read and agreed as true record. There were no matters arising.
13/19 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Report as below
County Councillor Brown advised:
Local Issues:
Main Sewerage Pipe
• Pleased to hear from Welsh Water that they have at last completed the pipe lining work to a section of the main sewerage pipe which covers the local villages of Shirenewton, Mounton, Pwllmeyric and Mathern.
Council Issues
County Council
• At the last meeting the Council passed a motion on a climate emergency, which covered most of the wording found in the agenda in the following link:
https://democracy.monmouthshire.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=143&MId= 3758
• The Cabinet have a report on 5th of June on the Replacement Local Development Plan, issues, visions and objectives paper, which is said to be endorsed but subject to further refinement, the report together with appendices can be found at the following link as item 3d:
The Replacement LDP Issues, Objectives and Visions paper can be found at the following link: https://democracy.monmouthshire.gov.uk/documents/s21315/1a.%20Appendix%201
%20Replacement%20LDP%20Issues%20Vision%20and%20Objectives%20Paper.pd f
Whilst, it may be argued that the Welsh Government planning policy wales PPW 10 states that developments need to consider walking, cycling, public transport and then car last, there needs to be some realism here in the Monmouthshire Replacement plan particularly for villages which have limited public transport and rely on the car. It is important in my opinion that in the development of the replacement LDP, Monmouthshire maintains its supplementary planning policy parking standards, otherwise streets on new developments will be littered with cars.
The references at point 5 in support of the Replacement LDP have failed to mention the important CAPITA Chepstow Transport study on the impact of the removal of the tolls and transport in the Replacement LDP. Transport tends to be seen as public transport and encouraging non- car modes of transport but fails to recognise that there already exists the need for new roads in the Chepstow area in relation to the current traffic congestion and air quality issues due to the 23% increase in traffic as a result of the removal of the tolls:
Chepstow Transport Study Stage 1 (see pages 17 and 18 on increase in traffic)CAPITA report.
i) Sewage Pollution – Mounton Brook
Lining work now completed item to be removed from the Agenda.
ii) Response re digital copies of archive material for Mathern School.
Cllr Ovenden has not made contact yet. The Archive box was handed to Cllr Ovenden.
iii) Quotes for weedkilling villages.
MCC have completed the weed spraying so Mathern C C are happy that this matter is now completed.
iv) Response from Resident re land corner of Barn Lane
No Response has been received both Cllr Harris and County Cllr Brown have spoken to the resident outlining what details we require to pass onto MCC.
v) Response MCC re replacement bus shelter Pwllmeyric – Dog Waste BinMonmouthshire Council have kindly circulated details of a stainless steel bus shelter they are hoping to replace the damaged one with. Cllrs all agree that this would be most acceptable. They asked County Cllr Brown to just check that this can be installed on the current slab of the bus shelter.
The Clerk reminded Cllrs that this shelter was Monmouthshire C C property and not owned by the Community Council.
It was hoped that the dog waste bin would also be replaced at the time of the installation of the new bus shelter.
Repeat the list from May as no works completed.
a) One Voice Wales – Representative to be selected
Next meetings 18th July 2019.
Cllrs to try to rotate attendance at these the meetings. Clerk to agenda for next meeting.
b) Defibrillator- Monthly Checking
Monthly check on the defibrillator carried out by Cllr N Bailey in May. Fully functioning.
c) Risk Assessments for Mathern Mounton and Pwllmeyric Forms have been distributed to Cllrs McHugh, Ovenden and D Harris.
Some forms still outstanding.
d) Councillor C Morton – Best Kept Garden (as seen from the roadside) and GAVO New Proud of your community Gwent Awards scheme.
Cllr Morton is happy to continue to coordinate these events. All agreed that both events should continue. Cllr Bailey was pleased to deputise.
Gavo have now circulated the new scheme Proud of your community Award as the Community Council has paid staff we are unable to enter any of the categories.
The Clerk has sent the details to MMPWB who it is hoped will enter the Villages for a few categories. Applications need to entered by 20th June which doesn’t leave much time for completion.
a) New submissions:
Application DM/2019/00564 Treffgarne – planning permission for new two storey detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping in land adjacent to Treffgarne. Pwllmeyric.
Community Council Comments
The Community Council has fully considered this application and recommend ‘Refusal’.
The Council support the views submitted by local residents.
More specifically,
1. The proposal represents an over-development of the site and is completely out of context with the area.
2. The proposed building impacts significantly on the amenity of neighbouring properties with overlooking windows and towering skyline. The impact on neighbouring properties has not been considered in the design.
3. The existing buildings along Chapel Lane follow a common development line which is breached by the proposed building, significantly impacting the aesthetics of the area.
Increased traffic generation along Chapel Lane and exiting onto Pwllmeyric Hill is not desirable.
Councillor N Bailey left the meeting whilst this application was discussed.
DM/2019/00796 – Land at Bridge House – Retention of existing buildings and amendments to roof structure and external elevations.
Community Council Comments
Land at Bridge House – retention of existing buildings and amendments to roof structure and external elevations.
The Community Council has considered the above planning application and make the following comments.
As the proposal stands the Community Council would recommend ‘refuse’.
The Community Council would however reconsider the proposal at its next meeting and would consider an ‘Approve’ position if the following issues were addressed:-
1. The newly introduced 2 metre high wall to the front of the site facing the A48 be reduced to a low level boundary (ie. Maximum of 600mm). The reason for this comment is that the proposed wall would present a harsh face to the main road visually and constitute a safety hazard. The precedent for such structures to the back of the highway land does not exist in this part of the village. This has also been an accident blackspot in previous years with one person loosing their life after leaving the road and impacting the previous house. The neighbours wall to this property has been demolished previously by cars leaving the main road. It is believed that this wall being so high would also restrict access visibility both into and out of this site.
2. The garage to ‘House 2’ has been constructed right up to the boundary of the property to the highway land. This poses similar concerns to point 1 above and should be moved back to its original position.
The owners of the neighbouring property ‘Wenvoe’ have noted an objection to the introduction of windows that overlook their garden. These should be removed.’
b) Decisions and appeals – None.
c) Enforcement
Border Waste, Crick – See Public Comments
Clerk was asked to contact enforcements/environmental health re complaints of the noise from tannoy. at Newhouse Industrial Park.

Receipt of £908.09.00 from Vat Refund
Cheque Number Details Amount
102015 Merlin Waste 37.50
102016 Internet and Telephone 41.49

D D Pension For May 78.11 Employee
43.40 Employer
Online Payment Salary for May 634.32
PAYE – NI April 137.60

Internet Payment £13.20 Stock It Ltd. License
Monthly Bank Reconciliation for May – authorisation by Cllr J Harris
Budget to spending review – spreadsheets attached
These were discussed Councillors were happy with the annual spending to budget EMR were noted 1500.00 Defibrillator
6230.00 War Memorial (2900.00 to be transferred from this for works
completed last year.
4000.00 Walks Leaflets reprints.
3000.00 Solar Farm Community grant monies
These amounts to be reviewed at the Finance Meeting.
Grant request Mathern Village Hall – New Toilets
As per public comments an application had been made by the Village Hall for a contribution of 9749.00 the shortfall of fund raising for new disabled toilets.
Cllrs resolved that an award of 5500 would be pledged This being 3 years of Solar Farm Community Benefit Monies. 750. From Our Grants award. 1200.00 to be transferred from Councillors Expenses and 550.00 from General reserves.
MMPWB – Request for verges to be cut prior to judging.
Clerk to instruct these to be cut once confirmation received from MMPWB
Response from British Heart Foundation – Defibrillator
Community Council have been awarded a defibrillator by British Heart Foundation following the completed application submitted by the Clerk.
This second defibrillator is to be placed at Mounton Lodge Wedding Venue. Pwllmeyric.
Bench in Bus shelter Mathern
This has now been completed – Awaiting the invoice for payment
To consider adoption of
One Voice Wales Model resolution protocol document Draft Grant Policy document. Both documents attached It was resolved to adopt these two new polices.
Update Website to ensure compliant
Clerk to contact Stock It Ltd to update polices to our website.
Shelving Telephone Box.
Nomination for work within the Community.
Mathern School papers to be digitally copied.
Eddie Parry Plaque – Pwllmeyric.
The next meeting Monday 8th July 2019 at 7pm in the small room of the Village Hall.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 9.35 pm.
Signed …………………………….. CHAIRMAN Date……………….

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